Books Written By Alan Stern
- Chasing New Horizons: Inside the Epic First Mission to Pluto
(coauthored with David Grinspoon) - Pluto and Charon: Ice Worlds on the Ragged Edge of the Solar System
(coauthored with Jacqueline Mitton) - The U.S. Space Program After Challenger: Where Are We Going?
Books Edited By Alan Stern
- Worlds Beyond: The Thrill of Planetary Exploration as Told by Leading Experts
- Our Universe: The Thrill of Extragalactic Exploration
- Our Worlds: The Magnetism and Thrill of Planetary Exploration
Selected Other Writings
Mission to the Centaurs, published in Astronomy Magazine
- A 21st Century Renaissance in High Altitude Ballooning
SpaceNews | September 25, 2016 - Copernicus Smiled
The Space Review | September 12, 2005
- New Horizons Explores the Kuiper Belt, published in Astronomy Magazine
- The Pluto System Explored!, published in Astronomy Magazine
- Journey to the Solar System’s Third Zone, published by The Scientific Research Society
- Pluto Revealed, published in Scientific American